The following prices are estimates. Please contact us to share details about your specific project and learn more about pricing. If the service you need is not listed here, please let us know, and we'll be happy to get you an estimate. Some projects may include an additional fee if extra consultation time is required.
Are you wondering if our editing style is a good fit for you? Please hire us for a portion of your project, and we're happy to show you what we've got! Satisfied clients are our primary goal.
A final read-through to check for typos and final errors on an already-edited and polished text.
$.01 – $.02 per word
Level 1 – Copy Edit
Basic editing to correct grammar, punctuation, and typos.
$.02 – $.03 per word
Level 2 – Copy & Line Edit
Intermediate line editing for sentence structure and flow as well as copy editing for grammar, punctuation, and typos.
$.025 – $.035 per word
Level 3 – Copy, Line, & Developmental Edit
An initial developmental edit with feedback followed by a second round of edits (after client revisions) that includes line editing for sentence structure and flow as well as copy editing for grammar, punctuation, and typos.
$.035 – $.055 per word
Additional Revisions
Help completing additional revisions on a manuscript, resolving comments, or finalizing changes.
$35 per hour